Welcome to the JGU Scotland HUB!



St Andrew's Day

Scotland's National Day

Join us at Uni Mainz to celebrate St Andrew's Day on 29th November! Register for free here.

To join us digitally, click here!  

 Download the poster here.

To have a look at our schedule and our guests, click here.

Join the digital event here: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_M2VmODM0ZWMtZTg0OS00ZWRmLWIxZWYtNGM0OTI1Y2QyMzU5%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2251aa2b30-c9fa-40db-b91a-3a53a8a08d85%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22f1508f4d-191f-41f5-ab50-5d80bf337681%22%7d 


JGU Scotland HUB Fellow: Dr Jenny Sturgeon

Dr Jenny Sturgeon as the first JGU Scotland HUB Fellow: A Laudatio (written by Priv.-Doz. Dr Sigrid Rieuwerts)

"For the JGU Scotland HUB Fellowship 2023/24 I am keen to explore connections between the German Wald and Scotland's Forest system. The extent of the natural woodland in Germany and resulting biodiversity is hugely aspirational to a nation like Scotland, whose own woodland habitats have receded over time. While I have spent some time in Germany, on tour in various guises (Salt House and touring solo), I have had little opportunity to be rooted in one place. This fellowship will allow me to immerse myself in the wald and creatively explore its rich sonic environment and new writing inspired by these species diverse habitats. Through this fellowship I also plan to explore commonality shared by the German language and Scots/Doric dialect; a connection I've been aware of since studying German in secondary school."

>> Read more


Fourth “Konstanzer Konzilspreis” Award goes to Dr Sigrid Rieuwerts

Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is this year's patron

The Konstanzer Konzilspreis Award for European Encounters and Dialogue will be given to PD Dr Sigrid Rieuwerts (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz). Dr Rieuwerts has been nominated laureate in 2021, at the suggestion of Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, current patron of the "Konzilspreis". Due to the Covid pandemic, the award ceremony has notyet been able to take place.
With the award ceremony, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and the board of trustees Konstanzer Konzilspreis honour Dr Sigrid Rieuwert’s remarkable commitment to numerous cross-border
education projects, cultural relations as well as her promotion of tolerance and intercultural understanding. Scotland’s first female First Minister is a convinced European herself as well as an advocate of these European values.

>> Read more

Download the in news release >> (EN | DE)

Press enquiries: Scotland@uni-mainz.de or +49 6131 392 2763

Watch the live stream on YouTube or on konstanz.de



International cooperation

4 March 2021: Rhineland-Palatinate and Scotland sign Declaration of Intent on cooperation in education, culture,
higher education and research

Scotland and Rheinland-Pfalz have a long-shared history of lively cooperation in the field of education, culture, higher education and research.
We are delighted to see an even closer partnership agreed today!

Read more





2nd Rheinland-Pfalz - Scotland Life Sciences and Biotechnology Conference

Find more information here. 

Burns Night on the Campus of JGU Mainz

Join us at Uni Mainz to celebrate Burns Night on 27th January! Get tickets here.

Download the flyer here.


Merry Christmas from the Scotland HUB

St Andrew's Day Lecture at Uni Mainz

Join us at Uni Mainz to celebrate St Andrew's Day on 29th November! Register for free here.
To join us digitally, click here!                                                 
                                            Download the poster here.                                               

FILMALBA 2023: Scottish Gaelic Film Festival in Bonn and Mainz

From 26th November to 2nd December, FILMALBA 2023 is back in Bonn and Mainz. Enjoy a week of Gaelic cinema with English subtitles and themed evenings to showcase Scotland's rich culture. Come to Kommunales Kino in Mainz to watch the film Dùthchas with director Andy MacKinnon on 1st December. Find more information here.

Iona Fyfe on German Radio

If you missed Iona Fyfe's appearance at Scot-t Fest 2023, you can now catch up by tuning in to her interview and music performance on Deutschlandfunk Kultur here.

Scottish Events in Germany

Experience the enchantment of Scotland in Germany!
Find an overview of Scottish concerts here.

GET Together 2023

Don’t miss out on our GET Together 2023!
Join us for a workshop on “Post-Erasmus Cooperation: Challenges and Opportunities” on Friday, 24th March, in Aberdeen. Discuss German language learning support in Scotland with key stakeholders!
Contact get-across-borders@uni-mainz.de by 20th March to register for the event!
Download the full invitation

German theatre in Aberdeen

The German Drama Group at the University of Aberdeen will perform "36.000 Sekunden" (by Julia Gastel) on Thursday, 23 March 2023. They will perfrom in the Arts Lecture Theatre at 7 pm (UK time), the play will be in German with English subtitles.
Download the poster
Read about last year's play

New DAAD Brochures on Study and Internships abroad

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) published new brochures, some of which might be interisting to you:
SO GEHT’S Studieren im Ausland (Study abroad)
SO GEHT’S Praktikum im Ausland (Internship abroad)
SO GEHT’S Sprachkurse & Summer Schools im Ausland (Language courses and Summer Schools)
Mit Stipendium ins Ausland (DAAD Funding)
SO GEHT’S Auslandsaufenthalte im Lehramtsstudium (Stays abroad for future teachers)

2023 Burns Night on the Campus of JGU Mainz

Our Burns night in January is one of the largest gatherings in Germany in honour of Scotland's national poet Robert Burns. For more than 10 years, the traditional Burns supper with haggis, music, dancing and poetry has taken place at Mainz university. In 2023 another Burns Night on the JGU campus was organized, as a cooperation between the JGU Mainz Scotland HUB and Campus Mainz e.V.

Sigrid Rieuwerts receives Order of Merit of Rheinland-Pfalz

We are thrilled our JGU Scotland HUB Director and leader of the Reading Scotland community, Prof Dr Sigrid Rieuwerts has been awarded the prestigious Order of Merit of Rheinland-Pfalz – the highest honour of the Land.

GET Across Borders Information Session
Wednesday, 9 November 2022, 5pm to 8pm in P2

The information session for our programmes GET Across Borders, LPlus and GO will be on Wednesday, 9 November 2022. If you are interested in studying and/or working abroad, especially in Scotland, please join us at 5 p.m. in room P3 in the Philosophicum and get all the information you need to apply.
Read more about GET, LPlus and GO

Benefizabend über Schottland mit Whisky-Probe
Charity event on Scotland with whisky tasting

The Förderverein der Ev. Kirchengemeinde in Mainz-Finthen e.V. is hosting a charity evening on Scotland with a whisky tasting on Friday, 4 Nov 2022. Six whiskys from different parts of Scotland will be served, underscored by bag pipe and with a reading of Scottish literature (translated into German) by Dr Sigrid Rieuwerts.
The event starts at 7.30 pm (German time)
in the Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Haus in Mainz-Finthen. Tickets will be 20€ and are limited.
Read more
about the evening and how to attend.

Go Abroad Fair at the University of Glasgow

On Wednesday, 5 October 2022 we had the opportunity to be at the Go Abroad Fair at the University of Glasgow. We were able to present or last two GO projects, as well as our upcoming project 2023GO Wald.

2021 GO events in Glasgow and Edinburgh

This April we can finally present the results of "2021 GO: A fearful hope" at two events, in Glasgow and Edinburgh and we are delighted to be joined by award-winning poet Daniela Danz.
The event in Glasgow will be held on Wednesday, 20 April 2022 at the Goethe-Institut Glasgow, 5.00 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
The event in Edinburgh will be held on Friday, 22 April 2022 in the Lothian Chambers, 6.00 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.

Read more
about "2021 GO: A fearful hope".

"Fast Faust" - German Theatre perfomance

As part of the long-standing partnership between the Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz and the University of Aberdeen, the UoA’s German Drama Group under the direction of JGU’s Lisa von Gartzen put on a refreshingly funny, abbreviated version of Goethe’s well-known masterpiece FaustRead the full review
Download the posterI

Life Sciences

The Scottish Government is pleased to announce the launch of a funding call in support of research collaboration in the fields of life sciences and biotechnology, jointly funded by the Scottish Government, the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry for Science and Health, and the Scottish Universities Life Sciences Alliance. » Read more

End of term

Happy Burns Night!

Sadly we still can't celebrate the birthday of Robert Burns like we used to. Instead we will come together for a talk by Dominik Wallerius on Muriel Spark's The Driver's Seat. » Read more

Merry Christmas from the Scotland HUB

Scotland HUB

Newsletter from the Scottish Government in Germany. » Read more

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